Viktória Krémer;
 Ágnes Raffay
Keywords: museum education, interpretation, marketing communication,
Abstract: Museums have been regarded as the guardians of our heritages and in order to protect and promote their sustainability. We have to look at the ways in which they further the understanding of those heritages. We focus here on the ways museums market their education programmes. Museum education programmes have a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, as the participation of visitors provides an opportunity for learning about historical and cultural heritage actively instead of getting information passively. Museum education sessions introduce the exhibits in context, raising attention and are designed to make the learning process enjoyable. The basic aim of these programmes is to bring museums closer to people, but the question arises how the people can be brought closer to museums. This paper investigates how and where the most visited cultural (heritage) attractions in Veszprém County, Hungary communicate these programmes towards the potential visitors.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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