Martin Zsarnoczky2017
Keywords: European tourism, senior tourism, silver tourism, silver economy, senior generation, tourism trends,
Abstract: The human population is showing an ageing tendency worldwide, both in developed and developing countries. ‘Silver economy’ (a term invented and often used by the EU) is expected to affect almost every segment of the whole economy in the near future. New services developed for senior people generally aim to support well-being with health monitoring, robotic assistance, electrical mobility or sport activities, including health tourism, green care and web-based home care solutions. In the European Union, the Living Lab experimental programmes implement complex developments and exemplary models focusing on solutions in connection with the ageing process. Senior tourists require personal care, attention and have special needs and preferences. The tourism sector has the potential to strengthen its sectors through development, and the innovation of existing capacities will provide an instant response to the demands of silver tourism.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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