Lia Bassa;
 NoĆ©mi Aleva;
 Chan Inge Yan Fong;
 Amal Das;
 Mullangi Ghopala Krishna Sai Kiran
Abstract: The study aims at the investigation of four international festivals: Mysore Dasara in Karnataka, India, The International Kite Festival in Uttarayan, Gujarat, India, Cheung Chau Bun Festival, Hong Kong and Sziget Festival, Hungary). They cover various cultural tourism attractions including built heritage, world heritage sites, intangible heritage, and religious traditions of several hundred years, musical and performing arts. Obviously, the cultural background, number and involvement of local people is different in each case. The target of examination has been if they are educated or trained to become hosts, whether they really feel positive about being open in a way to receive a great number of foreigners visiting their local, cultural event year by year. Based on heritage and touristic management issues, we take into consideration the role of the festival in tourism, heritage management and the related economic life of the venue as well as that of the given country. The main target of the investigation is to find similarities (benefits and problems) and such issues that might be solved by the exchange of experiences of the local experts. The aim of the research attempts to find general features that make local people profit out of these events and in return, they have the intention to become perfect hosts of these recurring cultural events.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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