Erzsébet Péter;
 Krisztina Keller;
 Zoltán Birkner;
 Kornél Németh
Keywords: 6_3-4_peter-keller-birkner-nemeth.pdff,
Abstract: Working people find it difficult to provide necessary rest for themselves. There are several factors forcing them to give up regeneration, even by abusing their own health. New environments generate different kinds of impulses making us forget the everyday life completely. The essence of relaxation lies in getting away from the rat race, not in idleness. This research is meant to demonstrate our changed motivations, holiday expectations and possible barriers to relaxation. The location of the empirical research is Zala County, where 508 employees were asked to fill in a questionnaire in a quantitative omnibus survey. The applicants were represented by gender. Trends in tourism have changed fundamentally in the last few years and decades, giving priority to staying young and healthy. Nowadays active tourism and seeking out new experiences have key roles. People living in the 21st century require constant improvement in all aspects of life. People tend to prefer new, undiscovered adventures to routine. The research covers the preferred aspects to decide about holidays, the ways to find leisure facilities, the changed travel patterns due to the financial crisis and the threats of terrorism, as well as factors influencing the decision-making process. In order to rise the residence time and the number of tourists, we have to offer “complex adventure packages”, which requires cooperation between ventures of different type. Each destination must strive to become a brand. They have to accomplish that both local residents and visitors have pleasant experience/image connected to the area, which makes them stay or return. One of the most effective marketing activities is turning experiences into a brand. Effective marketing tools may include a suitable Website, PR, Search Engine Optimization, leaflets, brochures, online advertisements, souvenirs and other branded products, but the major factor is the satisfied guest, which requires an appropriate organisational structure.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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