Eirini Arvanitaki;
 Christodoulos K. Akrivos;
 George M. Agiomirgianakis
Abstract: This article is part of the Stranger project, a project aiming to efficiently prepare universities engaged in the internationalization process. This research project resulted in three intellectual outputs: the development of two manuals, one directed towards the preparation of universities in order to receive foreign students, another intended for the preparation of foreign students prior to traveling abroad for their studies. The third output is the designing and preparation of appropriate didactic materials serving as a training tool to prepare university employees contacting foreign students. This article stems from the third output of the project, and as such, it aims through the development of didactic material to bridge the cultural differences often arising between a host university administrative staff and its foreign students.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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