Viktória Csizmadiáné Czuppon2017
Abstract: Supporting of education is the best way to drive out economics from the recession and make future inclusive. According to the classic literature, the Universities’ first role is to educate, second one is to research, third one is to transfer the knowledge, and the fourth is to transfer the appropriate knowledge. At the local level, we have to try to make a sustainable and continuous cooperation between in local stakeholders to reach successful, local value-based economic growth. At the University of Pannonia, there is a live and active program to involve students to local economic development. Via field trips (‘research camp’), we go to settlements which are willing to cooperate with us, and survey them according to the discussed topics and needs. We combine our theoretical knowledge with local stakeholders’ knowledge and share practical knowledge at the University and in settlements, as well. This summary introduces what kind of teaching methods could be successful to develop students’ ability to generate ideas, and how can we motivate them to be creative. The paper focuses on the process and shows the possible results of this kind of empirical research realized in the framework of higher education. The University of Pannonia has many type of cooperation among local stakeholders, like ngo sector, local governments, and different type of associations. Via these relationships, the University takes part in local and international projects.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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