Eszter Madarász2017
Keywords: social network analysis, DMO organisation, destination management, tourism destination,
Abstract: Since the end of the 20th century and the start of the 21st century networks related to various aspects of human life have been present and more intensively brought to the focus of scientific research or even in interpreting problems and phenomena of everyday life. This approach provides tourism with plenty of new information, since previous research methodologies did not allow an objective and structured description of tourism, learning relations among actors, and introducing their impact on the entire system. It is especially important for tourism destinations, since an appropriate network of actors and tourism suppliers on the supply side is not only a precondition to marketability but also one of the key tools in. At present, networking has certainly attracted the attention of Hungarian tourism researchers, but no specific network has been analysed yet. The first paper in this very topic was published in 2013 in Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, whereas this paper aims to present further possibilities provided by this approach. This empirical research presents the analysis of the members’ connections takes place in case of the Veszprém Tourism Association with the help of network analysis. By analysing the density, indegree and outdegree centrality, and prestige of the members of the association it can be concluded that the management of the Veszprém Tourism Association is in harmony with the power positions taken within the networks, and the actors with highest level of local recognition, prestige, and power control and manage the life of the association. Additionally, this method made the management aware of the actors in peripheral position.
Eszter Madarász2016
Keywords: senior, tourism, successful ageing, ageing societies, Europe,
Abstract: Nowadays societies are rapidly changing: fertility rates are declining, life expectancy is lengthened, urbanization and migration are important circumstances too in this environment (European Commission, 2014). The prognosis of the UNWTO says that the trips of people over 60 will mean two billions travel by 2050 (Morgan et al., 2015). Such forecasts supposed that each older generation would be healthier, better educated and more financially secure than the previous (Patterson, 2006; Morgan et al., 2015). Older adults are a very attractive segment for tourism stakeholders. The reason for that – among others – is that they have an increased awareness of their health status, so health can be a crucial motivator when travelling with tourism purposes (Chen et al., 2013).
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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