Katalin Lőrincz2017
Keywords: sustainable urban destinations, European Capital of Culture cities, residents involvement, sustainable business models, KRAFT Concept,
Abstract: This research report shifts the debate on sustainable tourism destinations from an emphasis on sustainable development and destination planning towards sustainable urban tourism destinations, especially in (Central) European Capital of Culture Cities (ECoC). Futhermore there are some practical approach as well: how to implement the best practices of previous ECoCs into Veszprem tender (competitor for ECoC 2023) and what kind of similarities can be found in the KRAFT concept usage. A quantitative online survey among students (N = 420) at University of Pannonia, Veszprem, examined the temporary (but creative target group) residents’ behaviour in four major categories related to sustainable urban destination development and residents involvement: green consumption (transport use, sustainable energy/material use, behaviour and norms); daily leisure interest and activities; information sources and perspectives about city development.
Katalin Formádi;
Katalin Lőrincz
Abstract: Sustainable festivals, Event management education, Communicational channels, Role of the university.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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