Ágnes Raffay‑Danyi;
 Margit Biermann;
 Zsuzsanna Banász
Abstract: The geographical focus of the research is concentrating on the Balaton highlighted tourism development region located around the largest lake (Balaton) of Central Europe. The research aims to answer the following research questions (Q): Q1. How do locals perceive the labour shortage that characterizes tourism? Q2. Is there a significant relationship between the local job opportunities and the overall satisfaction with the settlement, or it being recommended as a residence or holiday destination? Data from a primary questionnaire survey were used for the analyses. The field work was conducted in 2018-9 and resulted in an evaluable sample of 1201 people. As for the method to assess Q1, the answers were categorized to the related open-ended question: those who perceived the labour shortage in local tourism were asked to provide an example of this. As for the method for answering the more complex Q2, relationship analyses (Kendall’s tau and Cramer’s V) were applied between the closed answers. Based on the results the following theses (T) can be formulated in response to the research questions: T1. There has been a significant labour shortage in the Balaton region in recent years. This affects the quality of services, which in some cases is already perceived by guests. T2. There is significant relationship between the local job opportunities and the overall satisfaction with the settlement, or it being recommended as a residence or holiday destination.
p-ISSN 2063-8248 e-ISSN 2064-0188
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